Admissions to the school from September 2025
Admission Arrangements for Entry into Year 12 Application Process
• Students should apply by 1 March.
• Students should accept the school’s conditional offer and rank their preferences.
• Priority will be given to existing students transferring from Year 11 who meet the below entry criteria.
• Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar operates a sixth form for a total of 400 students. 200 places overall will be available in year 12.
• The Published Admission Number (PAN) for year 12 is 20. This is the number of places which will be offered on an annual basis to eligible external applicants. If fewer than 180 of the school’s own year 11 pupils transfer into year 12, additional external pupils will be admitted until year 12 meets its capacity of 200.
• Students who apply after March 1st deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
• Those who have studied in international schools abroad who have studied other types of qualifications will be considered on an individual basis. A wide range of subjects will need to be studied at Level 2. A meeting with the AHT for the Sixth Form will be held to identify that relevant comparable entry criteria are met. The school will be the sole arbiter of measures of equivalence when students have sat examinations other than GCSEs.
• Those who have not studied GCSEs should contact the school in advance of applying via Kent Choices.
Entry Criteria
All students need to meet the following to gain a place in Year 12 at Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School:
a) A minimum of 8 GCSEs grades 9-5, including 6 grades 6s*
b) A minimum grade 5 in their best English and a minimum grade 5 in Mathematics
c) The specific entry requirements for the A Levels they wish to study
d) If a student meets a) and b) but not c) we may be able to offer them an alternative programme of study once the over-subscription criteria have been applied
*This requirement can be waived where there are special extenuating reasons why an applicant has not met this standard.
Oversubscription Criteria
Following the enrolment of internal students transferring from Year 11, all remaining places will be allocated to students who, based on GCSE grades gained in August, are meeting our general entry requirements. Where there are more students seeking places than the number of places available, the oversubscription criteria will be applied in the priority order set out below to rank eligible students (i.e., those who have met our above entry criteria), until the overall figure for the year group is reached. Before applying the oversubscription criteria, children with an Education and Health Care Plan which names the school will be admitted; published admissions numbers will be reduced accordingly.
a) Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order and children adopted from state care outside of England and who meet the above entry criteria. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with an accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition is Section 221 (1) of the Children Act 1989).
b) Current Year 11 students from Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School who meet the above entry criteria.
c) Children in receipt of Pupil Premium – a child is eligible for Pupil Premium where they have been registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years and who meet the above entry criteria. This does not include students who have only been eligible to receive Universal Infant Free School Meals. Pupil Premium is also afforded to Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care; however, these children are prioritised in the relevant criteria above.
d) An application from the child of a current serving member of the Armed Forces Community (with supporting evidence)
e) External students who have met the above entry criteria.
Where two applicants have an otherwise equal priority under the oversubscription criteria, the following tie-break will apply:
- Eligible students who are likely to achieve the highest academic grades based on GCSE attainment. This will be measured by ranked average predicted grade in their best 8 qualifications, the highest score being given the highest rank. The school will be the sole arbiter of measures of equivalence when students have sat examinations other than GCSEs. IGCSEs are considered to be equal to GCSE grades.
- The nearness of an applicant’s home address to school. Distance is measured in a straight line using the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) address point data. Distances are measured from a point defined as within the applicant’s home to a point defined as within the school as specified by NLPG. The same address point on the school site is used for everybody
Further details regarding course offer, variations in subject specific entry criteria, course content, examination boards and the Langton Extended Curriculum can be found under the Academic and Supercurricular tabs.
Offers and Appeals
Offers will be made on the basis of predicted performance at GCSE, with the requirement that the above grades are achieved in the final examinations prior to entry to the Sixth Form and the student’s chosen subjects can be accommodated on the timetable in feasible group sizes.
All offers made during Year 11 are conditional on students meeting the grade criteria specified and will only become firm offers upon confirmation of actual GCSE results.
Offers will be made via Kent Choices before the end of May. Offers will be confirmed once the school has seen verification of GCSE results in August. Where students have achieved better results than the predicted grades, they will be considered based on the grades achieved and ranked accordingly for any places that become available as a result of other students failing to meet the required entry levels.
Parents have a statutory right of appeal, should an application for a place be refused, by writing to the Local Authority, Legal and Democratic Services.
Application process
All applications to Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar should be made via Kent Choices.
We will consider applications made after March 1st on a case-by-case basis.