An Introduction to our Sixth Form
From Assistant Headteacher with Responsibility for the Sixth Form – Miss K Cameron-Fleming
What makes a Simon Langton Grammar Sixth Form student remarkable?
Our students are curious, courageous and active members of our community. They are the leaders of tomorrow, taking their first steps towards shaping the future through the example they set to their peers, and their teachers, today.
My favourite discussions with our students always start with the words ‘But why?’ A Simon Langton Grammar Sixth Form student’s curiosity is boundless, driven by a need to ask questions about their world and why humanity has evolved in the way it has. This is the essence of our ambitious curriculum, where our experienced staff encourage students to question beyond what they are taught, to read widely and actively seek out new questions to drive their understanding forwards. We have access to a wealth of extension and research material to facilitate this, such as Massolit, individual subject journal subscriptions and JSTOR – a repository of global university journals which only a select number of schools in the country access. Our Langton Extended Curriculum provides a framework within which students can question and explore their interests with confidence, working with academics, the Royal Society, local museums and even comedians to gain a greater understanding of the world and the people within it. As part of our Wednesday afternoon research project team, I have been astounded by the creative responses to the climate change crisis our students have collaborated on with world leading academics as part of our uniquely ground-breaking Project Earth. I have laughed with students as they perform their own stand-up routines to explore the science behind our response to comedic stimuli and marvelled at the beautiful creations resulting from our Sustainable Textiles and Art History projects. I have been amazed at how our students have analysed the impact of disintegrating earth satellites on the atmosphere and considered the future of sustainable space travel. Our Langton Extended Curriculum offers a fantastic variety of opportunities whatever your interest.
Another quality that defines our students is their courage – in particular, their courage to pursue their dreams and work tirelessly to achieve the high ambitions that they set for themselves. Last year we had one of our largest Oxbridge cohorts, with 60% of our students who applied achieving a place at the University of Cambridge – a stunning comparison against the national average of 21%. Our combined Oxbridge success rate was also 24% higher than the national average. Our Medics, Dentists and Vets Pathway typically has an impressive success rate in securing places for our students at prestigious universities such as the Royal Veterinary College, University College London, King’s College and Edinburgh. We encourage and support our students to be ambitious in their future thinking, whether this be through an increasing number of applications to the Russell Group universities, prestigious creative arts institutions or through applying to degree apprenticeship programmes with Jaguar and Price Waterhouse Cooper. Our students are also active global citizens, and as such we have seen an impressive increase in the number of students who want to study abroad, and in particular in the US, who we support through our specialist Pathway to the US and Canada. At the heart of all of our pathways is our experienced University and Careers Education Lead Dr Cavey who works tirelessly to best position our students for success alongside our specialist Oxbridge, Russell Group and Competitive Courses Lead Mrs Hawkins who is also our Second in Sixth Form. Dr Cavey also provides bespoke support for SEND students in preparing for ambitious destinations both in the UK and abroad and our ‘Leaving Langton’ programme provides guidance on transitioning to university, employment, living independently and developing the skills of self-advocacy. You have the courage; we’ll help you find the pathway to your future.
As well as engaging in these opportunities for academic extension, our students are also active members of our school community. Several sixth formers gain leadership positions, such as those on our Head Student Team, House Captains Team and Senior Student Council. We also have an increasing number of student-led societies, such as the People of Power Society and our MDV Society. All of these were set up by our students, who have taken an active role in their organisation and promotion and provide opportunities for all year groups to come together to debate and explore issues that they feel passionate about.
An essential part of our community, and one of the elements this school is renowned for, is the excellent pastoral provision provided by Mrs Bramwell and Mr Revell. They are experienced in supporting students through the challenges of young adulthood and A Level studies and operate an open-door policy, and sometimes tea and cake, for all students. Our pastoral provision is integrated with our extensive academic mentoring programme run by Mr Faux-Bowyer, which supports students with managing the step up to sixth form through organisational and study skills advice and in developing the skills and confidence to identify their own targets for success. Our community is diverse, and it is the celebration of that diversity and the leading role our students take in shaping the culture and ethos of our school, that makes us the Langton Family.
To end, the greatest compliments I receive are from our visitors who praise the kindness, courtesy and intelligence of our students. The greatest compliment that I can give to this school is that I wish this had been the Sixth Form I attended, and that I had the freedom to develop my curiosity at your age. I hope this introduction has piqued your curiosity and look forward to showing you the Sixth Form community that I am privileged to at last be a part of.
Destinations Data
Our University and Careers Education Lead Dr Cavey supports students in achieving their individual aspirations through specialist bespoke support. This includes expert advice on all aspects of the UCAS process, degree apprenticeships, post-18 employment and facilitation of our pathway programmes as well as specialist support for SEND students in applying to universities both in the UK and abroad.
The below information provides an overview of the fantastic successes our students achieved in the last academic year after their A Level programme with us at the Simon Langton Grammar Sixth Form.
- 84% of our Year 13 cohort secured a place at university for September 2024
- The most popular subject areas to apply for at university this year were STEM (30%), Humanities (22%), Social Sciences (18%)
- 44% of those going to University secured a place at a Russell Group or ‘Top Ten’ institution*
- An additional 14% of the year group plan to apply to university for a 2025 start following a gap year. This means that around 98% of the cohort will have secured a university destination by September 2025.
*Institutions included in the top ten of the Times Higher Education Rankings, Guardian University Rankings or Complete University Guide Rankings 2024
- 84% of our students went to university
- 80% of our students went to their first-choice university
- 60% of applicants were successful in their application to the University of Cambridge (national average 2023 – 17%)
- Our Oxbridge rate was 24% higher than the national average
- 51 students went on to a Rusell Group university
- Our Russell Group applications had an 85% success rate
- 94% of our Russell Group applicants secured at least one Russell Group offer
- 21 students went on to universities rated in the top ten in the country: St Andrews, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial, Bath, Durham, UCL, Warwick and Loughborough
- Students received offers from all 24 of the Russell Group institutions
- 5 students went on to the Royal Academy of Music, Central St Martins, the London College of Fashion, the London College of Communication and the Chelsea College of Art
- 3 students achieved places at universities in the USA, Poland and the Netherlands